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Charged with aggravated assault

If you have been charged with aggravated assault, it’s important to take the following steps:

  1. Hire an attorney: An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you understand the charges against you, evaluate the evidence, and build a defense.
  2. Attend all court dates: Failure to attend court dates can result in additional charges and a warrant for your arrest.
  3. Comply with court orders: If the court orders you to participate in a treatment program or perform community service, it’s important to comply with those orders.
  4. Gather evidence: Your attorney may request that you gather any relevant evidence, including witness statements, medical records, and other documentation that could help your case.
  5. Prepare for trial: If your case goes to trial, your attorney will help you prepare for trial by reviewing the evidence, cross-examining witnesses, and presenting evidence on your behalf.
  6. Consider a plea bargain: In some cases, a plea bargain may be an option. This involves pleading guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a reduced sentence. An attorney can advise you on whether a plea bargain is a good option in your case.

It’s important to remember that each case is unique and the specific steps you should take will depend on the circumstances of your case. An attorney can provide you with personalized guidance and support throughout the process.

In Fresno, California, an aggravated assault charge can have serious consequences, including:

  1. Criminal penalties: Aggravated assault is considered a felony in California, and a conviction can result in a sentence of 2 to 8 years in state prison and fines up to $10,000.
  2. Loss of rights: A conviction for aggravated assault can result in the loss of certain rights, including the right to vote, own firearms, and serve on a jury.
  3. Criminal record: A criminal record can negatively impact future employment and housing opportunities.
  4. Damage to reputation: An aggravated assault charge can damage your reputation and relationships with friends, family, and community members.
  5. Immigration consequences: If you are not a U.S. citizen, an aggravated assault conviction can result in deportation or other immigration consequences.

It’s important to keep in mind that these consequences can vary based on the circumstances of the case and the judge’s discretion. An attorney can provide you with a more specific understanding of the consequences you may face in your case.

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(559) 475-8185